With our scientifically proven programs, you will learn how to decrease stress and anxiety, become more resilient during challenging times, increase self-awareness and self-compassion, improve relationships, and enhance your overall wellness from anywhere!

Student Testimonials

"I think the main thing I learned through this program was how to deal with and understand your emotions. Knowing it’s ok to feel them and what to do when needed."

"Being kind to yourself and taking care of your mind are very important things."

"How to control myself when my emotions become strong."

"About trusting myself and being self-aware of the things I do."

"I leaned how meditating can change the brain."

"I learned how to like myself more. This changed everything."

Some student's responses: What they learned in the Bacall Wellness Mindfulness Program 2022

Rutgers University

Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to assess changes in the brain after an eight week mindfulness course showed that the prefrontal cortex, the hippocampus, and other areas experienced heightened activity and connectivity, while the amygdala experienced decreased functional activity and earlier deactivation after exposure to emotionally charged stimuli. (Gotink, Meijboor, Vernooki, Smioth, & Hunink, 2016)

This means that the areas of the brain associated with higher-level functioning were more active, while the area of the brain that handles stress and strong emotions was less involved (decreased stress response). These findings match the behavioral changes we see after a mindfulness program, like better emotional regulation, less reactivity, and even better performance on tasks.


Office employees who participated in an eight-week mindfulness intervention experienced lower levels of work-related stress, greater job satisfaction, and ultimately enhanced job performance as rated by their employers. (Shonin, Van Gordon, Dunn, Singh, & Griffiths, 2014)


Have you ever been told to "pay attention" but no one ever told you how?

Mindfulness has been shown to improve one's ability to pay attention and concentrate. In just a few short weeks, you can improve your ability to focus and concentrate using scientifically proven mindfulness skills and techniques that you will learn with this program.

Meet Kerri Bacall

Kerri is a Registered Nurse, Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Master Practitioner, Ordained Minister, and Certified Mindfulness Instructor. 

"As a young girl, I was always certain that whatever career path I chose, it would involve helping others. 

Like many of us, my life is busy. I own two companies, a holistic wellness center (Springfield Holistic Wellness) for 20+ years with my husband, Steven, and Bacall Wellness where I create and teach mindfulness programs to educate others on how to live a mindful lifestyle. 

Outside of work, I am a mom of 4, I love gardening (including vermicomposting), exercise, healthy eating (most of the time), creating organic skin care products, and spending time with my family and pets (1 cat, 2 dogs, and a horse). 

For most of my adult life I have kept balanced by practicing what I preach. My mindful life practices have been my lifeline. They have enabled me to avoid the feeling of "just existing" and to be an active participant in my life, and to mindfully thrive. I have increased my health both physically and mentally and improved the relationships in my life, especially my relationship with myself. That is why I created this course and I would be honored to share it with you!

If you are here, you are ready!

Let's begin!

above photo credit mindfulschools.org